Mrs. Arnold - Your Media Specialist |
MEDIA CENTER STUDENT POLICIES Hours: 7:30 AM-4:00 PM 7:30 AM-3:30 PM WEB · LOAN PROCEDURE - Students must identify themselves by name or ID number in order to check out books from the Media Center. All late fees and/or lost book costs are the responsibility of the student to whom the book was loaned.
· BOOKS/AUDIO VISUAL - Books may be checked out for a period of 3 weeks. There is a 5 book limit. Overdue charges are 10 cents per book per school day. Students will not be allowed to check out additional materials until all books are returned and fines paid. Students are encouraged to renew their book for an additional loan period if they are not finished.
- Reference books and audiovisual materials are not available for student checkout. They are to be used in the Media Center.
- Students are responsible for paying a current replacement cost for lost and/or damaged Media Center materials.
- As a convenience to our students and staff, one computer located at the Circulation Desk is logged in to the Media Center catalog. Students do not have to log in to use this computer.
· INTERNET USAGE - Hill Valley High School students must abide by the Oz County Policy IJNDB (Requires Adobe Reader) when using the Internet. The Media Center does not allow students to play games, use email without permission, check grades or download files from the Internet.
· STUDENT USE OF THE MEDIA CENTER - Students are encouraged to use the Media Center before and after school, during their lunch period and WEB.
- A student must have a signed pass from a teacher to use the Media Center during the school day.
- Students wanting to use the Media Center during lunch must obtain a lunch pass from the Media Center staff. Lunch passes are issued at the beginning of each lunch period for that period only. Due to the high demand, all students must have a Media Center issued pass to use the Media Center during lunch. The availability of lunch passes per lunch period is based on daily use of the Media Center by classes.
· PRINTING POLICIES - All printing in the Media Center is monitored. Printing must be for school work only and be limited to a reasonable number of pages. Students will be required to pay for excessive printing.
· SCHOOL SUPPLIES - As a service to our students, the Media Center sells packs of note cards (1.00), pocket folders with fasteners (.50), floppy disks (.50), CDS (1.00) and white poster board (.50).
· SECURITY SYSTEM - The Media Center has a security system at both the front and rear exits. All print material have a security tag and if left uncovered will trigger the alarm and cause the turnstile to lock. Public Library books will also trigger our security system. Please advise a Media Center staff member if you have public library books with you. Students who attempt to by-pass the checkout procedure and trigger the security system will receive a disciplinary referral.
Food or drink (including water) are NOT ALLOWED in the Media Center!